Sunday, June 20, 2010

The collection dedicated to my pops!

This was a lot of work, about 10 months, from beginning to end. I hope you all enjoy it!

Photographer: Cully Wright
Modles:Kassi Jensen, Miles Gerig, Lauren Luiz
Styling: Sarah Van Ryden
Hair and Makeup: Kylie Sallee

A Feast For the Eyes Press.

I'll update this if I come across anymore articles, but here are a few...

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Fine Art of Fashion- AiPD's Annual Student Fashion Show

I am coming up on my last days at the Art Institute of Portland, if you can imagine my life has been crazy! I have my parents in town and one of my best friends from high school and her mom came up as well, not to mention my local Portland loves who came to see me as well. It has been a crazy year for me. My collection Aviation Flights was inspired and in memory for my father John H. McGugan who passed away last June, it's almost full circle for my dad and I.

I was lucky enough to have gotten to do the fashion show with my amazing classmates who are all so very talented! Congrats to us!!
I also have a photoshoot of my garments that I will be posting up here soon as well.

Here are a few teaser shots from the fashion show. If yo
u'd like to see all the pictures from the event go to and click events!